templates/website/institutional/institutional-section.html.twig line 1

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  1. <div class="footer-info {% if section is defined and section.background %} sec-bg-alt {% endif %}">
  2.     {% if checkSection('footer_contact_us') %}
  3.         <div class="attendance">
  4.             <span class="title">{{ getLanguage('customer_service', 'footer') }}</span>
  5.             <div>{{ getConfig('attendance_schedule') }}</div>
  6.             {% if getConfig('phone') %}
  7.                 <div class="tel">{{ getConfig('phone') }}</div>
  8.             {% endif %}
  9.             <div class="footer-contact">
  10.                 {% if getConfig('phone2') %}
  11.                     <div class="phone-1"><i class="fas fa-phone-alt"></i>{{ getConfig('phone2') }}</div>
  12.                 {% endif %}
  13.                 {% if getConfig('whatsapp') %}
  14.                     <div class="phone-2">
  15.                         <a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone={{ whatsapp }}" target="_blank">
  16.                             <i class="fab fa-whatsapp"></i>{{ getConfig('whatsapp') }}
  17.                         </a>
  18.                     </div>
  19.                 {% endif %}
  20.                 {% if checkSection('footer_contact_us') %}
  21.                     <div class="contact-us">
  22.                         <a href="{{ path('contact') }}">
  23.                             <i class="fas fa-envelope"></i>{{ getLanguage('contact_us', 'footer') }}
  24.                         </a>
  25.                     </div>
  26.                 {% endif %}
  27.                 {% if client.document %}
  28.                     <div class="contact-us">CNPJ: {{ client.document }}</div>
  29.                 {% endif %}
  30.             </div>
  31.         </div>
  32.     {% endif %}
  33.     {% if checkSection('footer_institutional') %}
  34.         {%
  35.             if userTeacherSpotlight|length > 0
  36.             or checkSection('footer_teachers') 
  37.             or getConfig('contract') != ''
  38.             or getConfig('privacy_policy') != ''
  39.             or pagesFooter > 0
  40.         %}
  41.             <div class="institutional">
  42.                 <span class="title">{{ getLanguage('pages', 'footer') }}</span>
  43.                 <nav class="map-site">
  44.                     {% if checkSection('footer_teachers') and userTeacherSpotlight|length > 0 %}
  45.                         <span>
  46.                             <a href="{{ path('teachers') }}">{{ getLanguage('teachers', 'footer') }}</a>
  47.                         </span>
  48.                     {% endif %}
  49.                     {% if getConfig('contract') != '' %}
  50.                         <span><a href="{{ path('terms') }}">{{ getLanguage('terms_of_use', 'home') }}</a></span>
  51.                     {% endif %}
  52.                     {% if getConfig('privacy_policy') != '' %}
  53.                         <span><a href="{{ path('privacy') }}">{{ getLanguage('privacy_policy', 'home') }}</a></span>
  54.                     {% endif %}
  55.                     {% if isModuleActive('pages_module') and pages|length > 0 %}
  56.                         {% for i, page in pages %}
  57.                             {% if page.useExternalLink == 1 %}
  58.                                 <span><a href="{{ page.externalLink }}" target="_blank" title="{{ page.title }}">{{ page.title }}</a></span>
  59.                             {% else %}
  60.                                 <span><a href="{{ path('pageDetail', { slug:page.slug }) }}" title="{{ page.title }}">{{ page.title }}</a></span>
  61.                             {% endif %}
  62.                         {% endfor %}
  63.                     {% endif %}
  64.                 </nav>
  65.             </div>
  66.         {% endif %}
  67.     {% endif %}
  68.     {% if isModuleActive('course_certificate_module') and not isRestricted %}
  69.         {% if checkSection('footer_certificate') %}
  70.             <div>
  71.                 <span class="title">{{ getLanguage('consult_certificate', 'footer') }}</span>
  72.                 <p><a href="{{ path('certificateSearchPage') }}">{{ getLanguage('enter_the_code', 'footer') }}</a></p>
  73.             </div>
  74.         {% endif %}
  75.     {% endif %}
  76. </div>