templates/website/home/home.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'website/main.template.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block headScripts %}
  3.     {% if activeMetrics == enum('ClientEnum::YES') %}
  4.         <script>
  5.             (function(h,o,t,j,a,r){
  6.                 h.hj=h.hj||function(){(h.hj.q=h.hj.q||[]).push(arguments)};
  7.                 h._hjSettings={hjid:3636984,hjsv:6};
  8.                 a=o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
  9.                 r=o.createElement('script');r.async=1;
  10.                 r.src=t+h._hjSettings.hjid+j+h._hjSettings.hjsv;
  11.                 a.appendChild(r);
  12.             })(window,document,'https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-','.js?sv=');
  13.         </script>
  14.     {% endif %}
  15. {% endblock %}
  16. {% block bodyTag %}
  17.     <body id="body" class="home-body" data-theme="{{ isDarkTheme? 'dark':'light' }}"{% if isDarkTheme %} data-hide-deco="{{ hideBgDeco? 1:0 }}"{% endif %}>
  18. {% endblock %}
  19. {% block body %}
  20.     <div class="pag-home">
  21.         {% for homeLayoutSection, value in homeLayoutSections %}
  22.             {% if isPageSection(value) %}
  23.                 {% include 'website/home/section.html.twig' with { section: value } %}
  24.             {% else %}
  25.                 {% if homeLayoutSection == 'teacherSection' %}
  26.                     {% set section = teacherSection %}
  27.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'bannerSection' %}
  28.                     {% set section = bannerSection %}
  29.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'productCategorySection' %}
  30.                     {% set section = productCategorySection %}
  31.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'institutionalSection' %}
  32.                     {% set section = institutionalSection %}
  33.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'testimonialSection' %}
  34.                     {% set section = testimonialSection %}
  35.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'newsSection' %}
  36.                     {% set section = newsSection %}
  37.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'faqSection' %}
  38.                     {% set section = faqSection %}
  39.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'socialSection' %}
  40.                     {% set section = socialSection %}
  41.                 {% elseif  homeLayoutSection == 'stampsSection' %}
  42.                     {% set section = stampsSection %}
  43.                 {% endif %}
  44.                 {% if value.active == enum('ClientEnum::YES') %}
  45.                     {% set sectionTemplate = getSection(homeLayoutSection) %}
  46.                     {% if sectionTemplate %}
  47.                         {% include sectionTemplate with {
  48.                             layout: 'home',
  49.                             theme: (isDarkTheme ? 'dark':'light')
  50.                         }%}
  51.                     {% endif %}
  52.                 {% endif %}
  53.             {% endif %}
  54.         {% endfor %}
  55.         {% include 'website/includes/pwa.html.twig' %}
  56.     </div>
  57.     {% block newsletterSection %}
  58.     {% endblock %}
  60.     {% block socialSection %}
  61.     {% endblock %}
  62.     {% block institutionalSection %}
  63.     {% endblock %}
  64.     {% block stampsSection %}
  65.     {% endblock %}
  66. {% endblock %}